3 simple things to try yourself to get your AC working
After long a day of work some home owners go into a state of panic after discovering no air coming out of there AC ducts.
Step one – Take a close look at the thermostat. We get a lot of calls each summer where we show up and the thermostat isn’t turned or programmed correctly. If you are unsure on how to properly program it, just give us a call!
Step two – Check the circuit breaker. This is located in your electric panel. If the breaker is tripped try resetting it one time. If it trips again give us a call!
Step three – Check your air filter. If the air filter is dirty we highly recommending changing it before calling us!
After you follow the steps give us a call immediately day or night. HL Bowman is here to help you!
Below is a picture of a clean filter on the left and dirty filter on the right!
Bryan Enders
Don’t forget to change your air filters!
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