Energy savings per SEER rating
Energy savings per SEER rating
How much energy does an HVAC system use? At HL Bowman this is a question we get asked every single day. Our friends at Daikin HVAC have made a guide that’s easy to understand.
Currently PPL and Energy star are offering rebates for air conditioning unit and heat pump units starting at 16 Seer (Seasonal energy efficiency ratio). This also includes ductless mini split heat pump units.
Energy star is also offering a tax credit for gas furnace at 96% AFUE.
Energy savings per seer rating — Remember especially in A/C there are a lot of factors. What is your desired temperature? How many months a year to do run your A/C? Do you enjoy the windows open whenever you can? Remember to factor these things into your decision when choosing the Seer rating on your new air conditioning system.
Bryan Enders
Don’t forget to change your air filters!
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